Thursday, August 2, 2007

mightier than the sword

i was thinking about the power of words tonight. thinking and writing about it, instead of sleeping (which i'll surely regret tomorrow) with just one remark or utterance one can provide solace and comfort, ire and aggravation, joy and affection, or a myriad of additional responses.

they may be thought out, or spontaneous. whatever or however they are used and voiced, they leave their mark.

often i lack control of my tongue. though the desire to always say the right thing is embedded in my heart and soul, i seldom follow through, finding myself staring out into the darkness wondering why i said the things that i did, and why they came out all wrong...

1 comment:

amandan96 said...

reading this entry reminds me of the movie, You've go mail. I need to watch it again to figure out why.